Sunday, January 29, 2012

A prickly situation

I just returned from a visit to eastern Pennsylvania. The local paper, the Philadelphia Inquirer, ran an article stating that the Pennsylvania Game Commission was facing a "prickly" situation. The local porcupine population was being decimated by hunters and that a black market was being created as the rodent's meat was a delicacy in Viet Nam and in great demand. Accordingly, to avoid extinction the Game Commission has instituted a quota of ten porcupines per hunter per year. In the past the only demand had been for the quills by Native American Artists. But now if you hunters venture out to make your quota I suggest you do it similarly to how the porcupine makes love - "very carefully."

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

In transition

As our family will soon be moving back north to our roots in the coming days, this will be a very busy period and I will not be "blogging" with any regularity for some time. But there are 332 postings in the archives, some of which might qualify for a second read to get you thru the cruel month of January. I will re-enter the blogosphere sometime in February, meanwhile wishing all a Happy Valentine's Day and likewise a Presidents Day holiday. Regards to all.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Did you ever wonder what became of Senators and members of Congress when they were defeated or their terms were completed? Well, they didn't go home! They wandered down to "K" street to hang out their shingles. Of course they had to wait a year before they could use their "influence". But then a new batch of lawmakers would come into town swelling the population and driving up the rents. Bob Dole never went back to Kansas. Neither did former Senator John Breaux return to Louisiana. And no way was Dick Gephardt going back to his blue collar district in St. Louis. There are hundreds of former elected officials just like them receiving six-figure salaries at the trough coupled with their lucrative fees for speaking engagements. Some would argue that we shouldn't lose their talents and that they play a role in keeping the wheels of government turning - or perhaps grinding. The British retain such talent in their House of Lords. But a quote I read from a former senator that sums it up was "My vote could never be bought, but it might be rented!"
Next - In Transition

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year

As we enter 2012 let's remember that February has twenty-nine days so don't forget to adjust your wrist watches. Also the summer Olympics will be in London so plan your hotel reservation early - and remember they still drive on the left. And both political parties are holding their conventions in Southern cities - Republicans in Tampa, Florida last week in August. I hope the air conditioning doesn't fail. The media center for 15,000 journalists will be in a tent city. The Democrats will follow in Charlotte, North Carolina first week of September. And lest we forget, we have an election in November. As we used to say in days gone by "Don't forget to pull that lever." So, here's wishing you a Happy and "prosperous" New Year and may your portfolios remain healthy.
PS - And we also have a family wedding in 2012.