Wednesday, November 30, 2016

A Beverage of Choice

The current photo of Trump & Romney at dinner revealed the beverage of choice as H2o with a slice of lime, although I suspect Mitt would like to see the wine list. It recalls a story from WWII when U.S.Lines vessels were delivering supplies to the North African campaign via the Egyptian port of Alexandria. Many ships had to sit at anchor awaiting a berth and this day our captain was ashore and the mate was in his bunk in his underwear bearing up under the stifling heat. Now the British General Viscount Montgomery had a habit of visiting the ships at random and this day he selected our vessel. The mate heard the activity as Monty and his entourage came up the gangway and he sprang from his bunk and broke out a bottle of Scotch to greet the visitors. But Monty didn't drink and none of his leftenants would dare accept a wee dram even though their throats were parched. Fast forward and poor Mitt had to settle for H2o - but it might have been sparkling Perrier.

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