Friday, September 26, 2014

Groundhog Day

If you are of a certain age you will recall the tongue-twister "How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood." I am also of an age where I check obituaries so I was saddened by the story in the New York Post of the demise of the Staten Island groundhog a week after the February 2nd festivities. "Chuck", the Staten Island Zoo's nominee, had bitten Mayor Bloomberg in 2009 and since the current Mayor DeBlasio was a novice to this weather forecasting, the zoo felt it was prudent to substitute the more docile "Charlotte" for "Chuck". So it was Charlotte who squirmed out of the mayor's grasp - he wearing those bulky gloves - and fell to the ground, fatally injuring her. This sad development was kept from the mayor until now and condolences have been offered all around. I am reminded of the reverse of an old baseball axiom "All hit, no glove." We should expect an experienced glove man on the scene for 2015.


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