Monday, April 22, 2019

The song is ended...

....but the melody lingers on. Another icon has fallen. The late Kate Smith has been singing "God bless America" at all Yankee and Flyers games. She was even adopted as the Phila. Flyers mascot. But it seems that in the 1930s she recorded a racially tainted song and now pays the price as banishment from the current scene while she is not around to explain the circumstances. Over the years artists were "required" to present second rate material to fill out side B at the direction of the recording studio. Kate's theme song "When the moon comes over the mountain...." is on UTube in all its clarity as I remember as a child listening to her on the radio. So the Flyers took a "slap shot" at her, wiping out a part of their history, threw a sheet over her statue and moved it from in front of their arena. Move over Joe Paterno!
tjs NYT 4/20/19

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

It's Fashionable

A line of clothing is seeking trademark protection and the case has reached the Supreme Court. Applicant goes by "Friends U can't trust." - with the brand name FUCT. It is aimed at the youth market. Several Justices are wringing their hands. But Justice Ginsberg said that the 20 year olds targeted might not find the term shocking and suppose that such a niche market might find the name "mainstream"! RBG cuts to the core.
NYT 4/16/19