Saturday, April 25, 2020

Breaking Bad-ly

As a lad I worked in a pharmacy - the old fashioned name was apothecary with the jars of red and green liquid in the window. (Sort of port and starboard arrangement.)  New York State has enlisted hundreds of pharmacists to perform Covid tests which makes us all proud of these professionals. So I was dismayed to read in the NYT datelined Auburn, Nebraska of a pharmacist dealing in opioids conspiring with a drug dealer. His establishment was called "Family Value Pharmacy". He needed more drugs to keep his side business going so he/they planned to firebomb a rival pharmacy and steal opioids and increase the amount of drugs he could order. Apparently, Covid hasn't reached Auburn yet. As the Chicago BlackSox young fan cried "Say it isn't so, Joe!" One bad apple in the barrel.
(NYT 4/23/20)


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