Monday, June 10, 2013

Where's the Proof?

There was a recent news item of a tank wagon containing scotch overturning on a highway in New Jersey. The vehicle then caught fire, the source of which was either the vehicle's fuel or the 100 proof contents, no one was sure.  Some years ago U.S. Lines transported this liquid in 5000 gallon tank containers from Scotland to Philadelphia. One snowy night during vessel's discharge operations it was noted that one of the tank's seals was missing. Fearing possible contamination, the terminal worker was instructed to take samples and hold overnight for surveyors' examination. He duly dipped several mason jars thru the manhole cover extracting this ice cold 100 proof elixir, filled the jars to the brim and screwed the lids on tightly and placed in his bottom desk drawer awaiting the morrow.
After several hours in the warm confines of the desk drawer the cold liquid began to expand and the poor fellow heard POW - POW as the jars exploded beneath him. A scare like that could make a guy swear off the sauce for life.  And you thought all scotch was bottled in Scotland?
Next - The Changing Times

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