Monday, January 1, 2018

Jimmy Breslin, R.I.P.

This is the time of year when we re-discover the notables and celebrities who have passed on during 2017. One was Jimmy Breslin a newspaper columnist for 50+ years.
-In 1969 he ran for City Council of NYC on a ticket with Norman Mailer. Their pitch was to make New York City the 51st state.
-In 1977 he was instrumental in the arrest of the serial killer "Son of Sam" who lived several blocks from me in Yonkers. (Thanks, Jimmy)
-In between he survived a beating from the Mafia.
He never drove a car but when he heard a siren he wanted to chase after it. One of his deep thoughts was "The test of a good idea is its ability to last thru a hangover." He was a rarity.


  1. Hadn't heard that Breslin quote. He also said of David Berkowitz (Son of Sam) that he was the first serial killer he knew who knew who to use a semicolon.

  2. He also knew how to use a semi-automatic. tjs
