Monday, March 11, 2019

How To.

Sunday's NYT did a  thoughtful article "...Unlearning How to Hate." This alluding to a spate of Swastikas appearing in our schools. In a much lighter vein, the theme reminded me of the fellow who wanted to improve his status with the ladies and visited his local library in search of some suitable information. Moving down the shelves he found a title "How to Hug", thought this might provide some interesting suggestions and stuffed it in his coat and took it home. It was then he found it to be the fifth chapter of the Encyclopedia Brittanica "H O W to H U G". Please don't hate me for this one.
NYT 3/10/19

1 comment:

  1. If you haven't already, look into the book 'The Pun Also Rises' by John Pollack
