Thursday, March 5, 2020

What? No room service?

The above photo is a replica of Al Capone's luxurious cell in the Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia. It comes to mind as Harvey Weinstein awaits sentencing and to learn of his next address. He has recently added to his team a paid professional known as a "prison consultant" whose duties include making sure the inmate understands the details of their "journey." - i.e. a shaving of the head and the wearing of handcuffs.
They are hoping he can be housed  in a facility with a protective custody unit apart from the general population. Mr. Weinstein also wants a prison that is close to New York City or to one with a significant Jewish population. Wow!
(NYT 3/5/20)

1 comment:

  1. And there is a so-called "Jewish prison." Otisville, NY. Services, Kosher food. The NYT wrote about it recently. Anthony Weiner did time there recently.
