Saturday, January 15, 2011

On Aging

A while back when I turned 80 my extended family feted me with a quiet toast/roast. In rebuttal I offered the following:
- They say that the memory is the second thing to go - but I can't remember what the first thing is.
- My mother had a friend who would exclaim to all within earshot - "And I still have all my organs!"
- As we move along there are certain choices to be made - one can be considered a geezer and be tolerated - or one can turn into a curmudgeon and be avoided - or one can become a codger whose definition I prefer "white hair conveys a certain majesty. A touch of thickness around the waist connotes substance. Being a bit crotchety speaks of experience." Some say that 80 is the new 60 - if so then I have to replay the last twenty years! Egad! A perennial groundhog day!
The singer Margaret Whiting who recently died at 86 had the following line in a play - "Age doesn't make you boring - boring makes you boring." I hope I have not caused the latter.
Next - The Power of Congress