Thursday, July 28, 2011

Product Placement

There is a scene in Woody Allen's "Midnight in Paris" where the prospective mother-in-law has returned from shopping holding a large shopping bag with the letters D I O R  front and center - scene lasts all of ten seconds and this product placement is common in films and TV - some subtle and some in your face.

I do not normally watch the FOX channel as they have a way of elevating my blood pressure. But the other night I was flipping the channels and came across that altar boy, Sean Hannitty, asking his leading hypothetical questions of a three member panel. One panel member was a priest in his black suit and wearing a Roman collar. I could not figure what he had to contribute to the political discourse and admittedly, I did not wait around to find out. Then it hit me - "product placement"! - but not very subtle.
Please excuse the rant - it appears we are in for a long season of political punditry colored by a dose of posturing, pandering and puffery.
Next - Round Table Wit

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Tom. I certainly agree with your assessment of Fox and Hannity. I think you hit the mail on the head - product placement. Not looking forward to the “political season.”
    Maureen Ardron
