Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Locked Down

Last Friday Esquire magazine ran a humorous article by a Boston writer who found himself in the midst of a one night stand when the city went into "locked down" and he couldn't get home and to complicate his predicament he was on deadline and his cell phone was running on fumes. All day Friday he was forced to "hang out" with his overnight partner much to her chagrin. During WWII, circa 1942 when the Axis were still winning, we often had air raid drills accompanied by blackouts. My neighbor four doors away was our Air Raid warden who donned his hard hat and climbed the street gas lamp in front of our row house to extinguish it. One such night we received a surprise exercise and in the darkness looking out our window I could observe the following: the neighbor across the street in house No. 5 was a well off chap who drove a Pierce Arrow sedan which impressed a twelve year old on roller skates. He was exiting house No. 3 and furtively making his way back to his own domicile eschewing the sidewalk by hugging along the wall. Perhaps he was on an errand of mercy to calm his neighbor as the air raid sirens wailed. At age twelve who could be judgmental. But here we are seventy years later and some guys just can't keep their pants on - or their cell phones juiced.
Next - Earth Day

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