Monday, April 14, 2014

America's Pastime

I am worried about the future of the "game" of baseball - aka the business of MLB. Last week opening games were met with many half empty stadiums - huge amounts of empty seats in Cleveland, Miami, Kansas City - and even in Philly where sellouts had been the norm. They seemed to have the steroid problem behind them but the expansion from sixteen teams of my youth to current thirty count has created mediocrity where an even playing field had been desired. Despite training regimens and weight rooms the number of injuries is astounding. Their lengthy season prolonged by playoffs has to vie with other sport venues. All the characters are gone i.e. Casey Stengel, Leo Durocher, Yogi Berra et al - now they are all flavored vanilla but listening to the cash register ring.
I am scratching my head about the two games played in Australia. I wonder what Andy Rooney would say. Is America's Pastime past its time?

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