Monday, November 7, 2011

That 3 A.M. phone call

Various election campaigns have featured the rhetorical question "When that phone rings at 3 A.M. who is going to answer it?" Recently, I introduced you to my friend the Port Chaplain, Father Tom W.  Some years ago he was stationed in a Philadelphia waterfront parish and on a snowy winter night his phone rang at 3 A.M. - it was a young man from his parish who said he thought his father had died sitting up in his favorite chair and could the reverend come right over to administer the last rites. The padre asked the young man "Have you notified your undertaker?" The lad said he was waiting until daylight so as not to inconvenience the funeral director. I can just see the veins bulging in the priest's neck as he said to the young man "You had better call that undertaker NOW or else they will need a sledge hammer to break your father in half!" So when that phone rings at 3 A.M. you KNOW who is going to answer it.!!
Next - A Nocturnal Visitor

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