Friday, July 27, 2012

Golf Story

This fellow went to confession and told the priest that he had dropped the F bomb. The priest said "Tell me about it". and the following exchange ensued:
G - (golfer) Well, playing golf I drove my drive 250 yards down the middle and my ball rolled into a divot.
P - (priest) - Is that when you said the word?
G - No, not yet. I was able to get out of the divot with a shot heading for the green which hit a tree branch and dropped into the rough.
P - Is that when you dropped the F word?
G - No, not yet. I hit a wedge from the rough on a line to the flag - it landed on the edge of the green and rolled back down into a pond.
P - So that's when you said it?
G - No - just then a strange thing happened - a seagull picked up my ball from the water and dropped it on the green twelve inches from the cup.
P - Don't tell me you missed that F---ing putt!
Next - Protect the Brand (Mon.)

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