Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Matter of Style

When I was young, single and in my prime I used to visit John Wanamaker's men Store every few months to check on their latest fashions. I was then a size 42 regular and the salesman was a low keyed gent who allowed me to browse for twenty minutes and then, knowing my taste, would present me with an attractive ensemble. One year he actually sold me a red plaid two piece suit just in time for Christmas. But he later topped that with a two piece velour suit by Bill Blass with a silk lining in the jacket. It was not something you would wear on the Philadelphia subway at the time. But at cocktail parties it was dynamite! The women could not stop pawing that velour jacket. But Bill Blass was stingy with material - tight in the crotch - and nowhere to go on the waistline. Alas, as I grew beyond a 42R this beautiful suit languished in the closet. Choking back a tear, I eventually gave it to Goodwill Industries and I know that somewhere in  Florida there is a slim dude wearing my velour and surrounded by adoring women.
Next - Sanity check.

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