Monday, March 25, 2013

Deja Vu Etc.

I just read where several retailers were fined for using real fur to appear as fake. This is just the opposite what they did fifty years ago when the retailers then used "faux" material to appear as real fur.  A strange turnabout, indeed.

Also noted that Mayor Bloomberg of New York City is advocating keeping cigarettes under the counters of stores and not in the open. This is exactly what we did during WWII when I worked in a drug store (pharmacy). When we received delivery of a few precious cartons of Chesterfields or Camels they were immediately "sequestered" under the counter and saved for the pharmacist's special clients (read Doctors).  So if you ever saw that ad "More doctors prefer Camels than any other cigarette" you might infer that that poll was taken during WWII.
Next - The Bluebird

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