Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Brevity, Brevity

The trend today in communications is to keep it short whether texting, instagram or observing the limits of Twitter - forget salutations or felicitations - there is no time for those niceties - and it is a shame. While I have been out of the market place for some time I do recall the overflowing in-box and can sympathize with those of you on the treadmill. Some years ago much of our commercial exchanges were via Western Union. I seem to recall they had a simple rate structure that graduated after ten words so even back then there was economy in keeping the verse terse. Circa 1915 my mother was working for a firm in Kensington - most employees walked to work or took the trolley. One winter day there was a severe snow storm that shut down the trolleys and prevented pedestrian traffic as well. But one persevering fellow made it in to the office and seeing an opportunity for brown-nosing recognition,  sent the following message to the boss via Western Union: "IN THOUGH SICK - FEW OTHERS HERE." - Succinct and self-serving!
Next - A Double Life

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