Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pachyderms on Parade

My former boss at USLines was stationed in Liverpool circa 1938 when he received a phone call from a lady who owned a small circus which centerpiece included three elephants. She said that we had brought the troupe eastbound several years before and as Hitler was heating up Europe it was now prudent to head home so a booking was arranged. We were then berthing in the Mersey area inside a lock which required a timed tidal sailing. At the appointed day the troupe arrived at the quay and we had to jury rig a special gangway. The mahout handling the elephants said they would only move up the gangway - "trunk in tail" as they were trained to do in their act. We began to reinforce the gangway. So number two trunk entwined with number one tail and likewise three with two. With all three now heading up the gangway it began to sway which spooked number two who let go of number one tail. This was a signal in their act for number one to turn around who now proceeded to try to get DOWN the gangway. Confusion reigned and we were faced with losing our tide - so they undocked the vessel - moved her downstream - vanned the elephants down the road to meet her where the freeboard was lower and practically walked the beasts on board. When New York received the sailing telex including the animals they diverted the ship to Boston. Cowards!
(Above repeated from Eagle Blue No. 12 March 2, 2006)

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