Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Cola Wars

As kids - circa 1938/1939 - we hung around a corner grocery store that had a large Coca Cola cooler that required a cake of ice every few days. Its contents were primarily the six ounce green bottles of Coke plus some Hires root beer and assorted fruit flavored drinks. But no kid lucky enough to have a nickel from a bottle deposit was going to squander it on a six ounce drink. Enter this mix came a newcomer - Pepsi Cola - with an advertising program that included airplane sky-writers writing against a clear blue sky. They also composed this jingle for the airwaves:
-Pepsi Cola hits the spot - twelve full ounces - that's a lot - twice as much for a nickel too - Pepsi Cola is the drink for you.! Irresistible!
Fast forward a lifetime and during the Oscars, Pepsi introduced the Mini Can - 7.5 ounces and you can bet it cost more than a nickel. It might be the influence of Mayor Bloomberg but certainly an about face from my childhood.

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