Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Little Chickadee.

In last Monday's NYTimes Andy Newman had a humorous article on W.C. Fields. In 1928 Fields was headlining the playbill at the Earl Carroll Theater in Manhattan. He had a canary that he used in his routine "An episode at the Dentist" wherein he faked pulling the canary out of a patient's heavy beard. But this day the canary got loose, flew into scenery and was stunned. In the audience were several members of the Humane Society who had Fields arrested and $500. bail was posted awaiting a trial. Meanwhile, the canary died while in the possession of the arresting officers. At the police station flash bulbs were popping creating smoke that might have affected the bird. Testimony and evidence was produced. The judge agreed with Fields and his lawyer and he left court a free man.
Old W.C. started out as a juggler and by 1928 he was a headliner making $5200. per week which was an astounding amount for the time. This before he became a star in Hollywood and met his match in Mae West.
Next - TBA

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