Monday, October 22, 2012

Is the Doctor In?

One of the down sides to moving a distance is one loses one's medical professionals. My guru in Jacksonville, Florida was a fantastic diagnostician, good friend and always available. Now having re-located to the Lower Main Line of Pennsylvania I have encountered a surprising revelation. I have heard of several physicians altering their practices to a "boutique" or "concierge" arrangement where the patient now pays an annual "retainer" plus the pay as you go individual fees. The "retainer" is usually in four figures. It is supposed to reflect "personalized" care and you may even receive the professional's cell phone number as a perk. But I always thought the old fashioned way was also supposed to be "personalized". And my experience with a hotel concierge was always on the basis of a voluntary gratuity for services rendered. Now, THAT  might be an acceptable alternative. What say you, Doc?
PS - If you can't afford the "boutique" arrangement, we can all go to the E.R. and take a number as suggested on the campaign trail.
Next - Multi-tasking

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