Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Odd or Even

In the aftermath of SANDY, with the shortage of gasoline, New York City and parts of New Jersey have implemented the odd/even method of rationing fuel based on the last digit of your license plate. Zero has been designated as an even number which has mathematicians scratching their heads in debate. But if the numbers "nine" and "one" are odd, then "zero" had better be even. Back in the 1970s we had two gas shortages but neither caused by a storm and  the lines then were mostly orderly. Back then there were no "walk ups" carrying orange jerrycans as we see now and I have not read anywhere whether these orange "cans" carry an odd or an even designation absent a license plate. Perhaps they have to amend the rules. Our hearts go out to the citizens of those hard hit communities.
Next -River Cafe

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