Friday, November 16, 2012

Three and Out

As most football fans know, during last Sunday's NFL games, three teams' Quarterbacks suffered concussions and were removed from play. And the season is only half over. Philadelphia, Chicago and San Francisco suffered the loss of these key players. The "game" is becoming more violent. Linemen who used to weigh 200 pounds now tip the scales at 300 pounds and when several of these giants fall on you it takes its toll. This is compounded by the fact that one team was punished for encouraging a "bounty" to disable an  opponent's players. In the old Roman coliseum you might expect the score to be Lions 7 - Christians 0. With injuries mounting it will be only the lucky teams to arrive intact for January playoffs. Players today only play half the game. I recall the days when players such as Chuck Bednarik, Johnny Lujack, Doc Blanchard et al all played sixty minutes without injury. Today, despite weight rooms, improved equipment, training diets, etc we still see more injuries to these athletes. Let's see who is still standing at the end of January.
Next- TBA (Mon.)

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