Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Potpourri 2015 VII

-A China airline made a successful flight from Shanghai to Beijing - 664 miles - using biofuel mixed with cooking oil from restaurants. They used a reliable Boeing 737 and did not issue parachutes to the 100 passengers.

-Sen. Ted Cruz announced he is running - he used Twitter for the news release. He will not reach me on Twitter and doubt such a glib person can confine his message within 140 characters.

-In the wake of hurricane Sandy, one proposal in New York is to "beef" up the coastal ecosystem by growing mussel beds which can weaken incoming waves. Ah, that Belgian delight, steamed mussels and brown bread.

-The "hottest" commodity in New York right now is asphalt to fill potholes - I mean really hot - 300 Fah.

-".....and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth" Matthew 8:12 as the subway fare increases by 25 cents this week in NYC.

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