Wednesday, August 3, 2011

On the Wing

It was around 8:00AM before the heat of the day when a flock of about ten "honkers" flew over looking for a watery landing place. Their bellowing was unmistakable but their V formation was erratic as perhaps they were seeking leadership the likes of which is lacking in Congress. But their in-flight beauty recalled the Canadian geese we encountered in the Chesapeake Bay area while on a weekend sail out of Annapolis, Md. one October. We were told the winds were best in October which is when Annapolis held their boat show and the old "skipjack" (oysterboat) races. As we made our way over to St. Michaels we saw a large flock of geese just sitting on the water. Without engine we sailed silently into their midst and they took off as one and the sight and sound was breathtaking as they headed to the nearby corn fields. Annapolis is a lively spot in the Fall - the boating crowd hung out at Middleton's Bar - a watering hole with sawdust on the floor. Of course, this was forty years ago so would hope they have changed the sawdust. As an aside, in the modern era, both Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld have summer homes on the eastern shore. If you plan on visiting the area hope that Cheney is not wearing his hunting clothes.
 Next - Mangia

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