Monday, August 1, 2011

A Matter of Style

Some folks recently have criticized our current President for his tendency to compromise and seek consensus and compare him to Ronald Reagan the Great Communicator and Bill Clinton the artful politician. In 1985 in New Jersey my mortgage rate was 14% under Reagan's reign. And Clinton's last two years were a distraction for the country. The fellow who really impressed at the art of persuasion was Lyndon Baines Johnson who after years as Senate majority leader knew the buttons to push and the arms to twist. I recall a telephone tape wherein he was sweet talking his senate mentor Richard Russell of Georgia with personal bantering while he sounded out Russell's position on the Civil Rights Act before he proposed it. And there is a famous photograph of LBJ collaring the elder Senator Theodore Green of R.I. in a hallway with Johnson's index finger buried in Green's chest. There was a story of how LBJ dealt with a recalcitrant congressman who refused to support a pet project: he instructed his staffer to advise the man that he would construct a low cost housing project in his district. The fellow soon came over to the "AYE" side. It's all a matter of style.
Next - Wedding Trends

1 comment:

  1. Good point lbj achieved far more than most
