Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Ides of March

 March 15th - this is the day that Caesar should have called in sick - and not gone to the senate. He thought his "friends"  had his back - but what he had was a "shiv" in his back. (And in his front) Fast forward to our own Senate where the call for civility is sometimes being ignored. The statesmen of old have long passed on. The tone is changing - although no knives have been flashed. One thing that fascinates me about Washington D.C. is that any members of congress who are either defeated or choose not to run do not want to go home. They all want to segue down to K Street to become lobbyists. No wonder housing is tight. New people coming in - old people staying.
March 15th used to be the I.R.S. filing date - now they give us until April 15th  - another month to chew our nails. Anyway, Spring is just around the corner.
Next - The Black Sheep

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