Thursday, February 10, 2011

Flea Market

Recently I visited a Flea Market for the first time. Hundreds of people milling around - some selling - a few buying and most browsing. It must be a weekend sport for some folks. I was there to thin out my LP collection of records and met with a vendor for an appraisal. He offered me fifty cents each for my "good" stuff and turned most of it away. It seems that I was living in the 1950s and he said the 1970s were "hot" - nothing like living in the wrong decade. Something like feeling that you're at the wrong party when there must be a better party cross town. Devastating! I gave my rejects to the Viet Nam Vets - I don't know whether they have a turntable but the colorful record jackets might have  some merit.

As a lover of limericks I once taught my young son the following:
 -A flea and a fly in a flue - were imprisoned so what could they do -
- let us flee said the fly - fly away said the flea -
- so they flew thru a flaw in the flue.
He learned it so well that his FLUENCY was FLAWLESS.
Next - Housewarming

1 comment:

  1. this post reminds me of the seinfeld episode where newman and kramer try to sell the old man's records. here's a link:
