Thursday, June 14, 2012

Affairs of States

We recently exchanged our Florida drivers licenses for new ones in Pennsylvania. Since 9/11 these motor vehicle departments have been asking for more information - two examples of identity and two more supporting residency. We gave them SSNs - Passports - leases - Tax filings - vendor invoices, etc.
And they asked several more questions re voter registration, organ donor, etc. But we are now privileged to drive in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As for Q&A, some years ago the Chicago Cubs baseball team had a double-play combination - Baker, Banks & Bilko - (as differentiated from the jeweler Baker, Banks & Biddle). The pivot man was the great Ernie Banks who loved the game so much he used to say "let's play two!" The first baseman was Ernie Bilko a huge fellow - pretty clever around the bag but apparently not too swift otherwise. It was a time when the teams moved between cities by rail and after a game in Canada they were returning home and had to declare for U.S. Customs at the border. The Customs agent asked Bilko his place of birth. He replied "Car 12 lower." Of course, you wouldn't expect to have to stuff big Ernie in an upper berth, would you?
Next -The Young Churchill

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