Saturday, November 13, 2010


Did you ever look at a glass and wonder if it was half full or half empty? You get a sense of "ambivalence".
Back home in Philadelphia there was a prominent attorney named Joseph S. Lord who rose thru the legal establishment and was eventually nominated to the Federal Bench. To celebrate this elevation to the Court he invited his partners to a dinner celebration at a local watering hole on Locust Street. It developed into a long and liquid evening and as they exited the premises and while waiting for a taxi the honoree turned to his friends and said "I am overwhelmed with a sense of ambivalence. I don't know whether I am sober as a judge or drunk as a lord."
tjs (and I approve of this message)
PS - My sense of ambivalence is I don't know whether I do my best writing in the morning with a cup of coffee or in the evening with a glass of claret - or none of the above.

1 comment:

  1. No ambivalence.......the best blogs are the morning blogs...
    keep on bloggin'!
