Monday, November 1, 2010

Election Eve

- Chris Matthews asked that bubba Hayley Barbour if he would consider running for Pres. in 2012 - he hedged - he will be the leader of the Boys Club to block Sarah. If he gets in the White House they will have to resurrect William Howard Taft's bathtub to handle his averdupois.? (that's kilos)

-The Alaska write in vote will take weeks to count  - we have hanging chad experts in Fla. we can send up there to speed things up. And Jimmy Carter could keep them honest.

- On a serious note - the recent census of 2010 will cause redistricting in the House - i.e. they say six or seven seats could leave the midwest and head south with the population shifting. This fact is being lost in the current hoopla.

As they used to say in Harrisburg - "Down the line with Duff & Fine.

1 comment:

  1. Really excited about your blog, Uncle TJ! I will def bookmark it. Look forward to my daily dose of wit and humor. Thanks for clarifying the "bathtub" reference. I get it now. Lol!
