Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Kind of Town

Since my son immortalized me in the Chicago Tribune December 28th I feel the urge to salute the Windy City. I won't call it the Second City. In former days the U.S. Lines had their offices at 327 S. LaSalle St. a prestigious address in the Loop. When the passenger ships stopped running we moved the Freight Sales office to Oakbrook in the suburbs.Yesterday's theme reminded me of the following story: On one of my sales visits we were entertaining clients at Johnny Lattner's Restaurant - he of Notre Dame fame. It was a large dining room and there was a group there called the Turtle Society who were inducting new members in this very public forum. Their theme was that the turtle was a clean minded amphibian and any member had to be of a clean mind. One of the questions they posed to prospective inductees was as follows: What does a man do standing up, that a lady does sitting down and a dog does on three legs? If you didn't answer "SHAKE HANDS" you were not accepted.
We canvassed our tablemates on the same question and it appeared that none of us would be swimming with turtles that night.
Next - New Year's Eve

1 comment:

  1. Cindy from Oak Lawn, IL
    I am so glad to have found your blog through your sons Chicago Tribune article. Like another reader said it reminds me of my fathers stories. He will enjoy reading your blog too. It has been fun reading through the archives. I wish you a Happy New Year. Looking forward to reading more of your stories in 2011.
